2012 Robot: X-1
FIRST Team 399 is proud to present our entry into the 2012 FRC game, X-1. X-1 represents 6 weeks of hard work, breaking barriers in terms of our traditional work flow and processes.
Want to learn more about this year's game? Check out the game description and animation!
Want to learn more about this year's game? Check out the game description and animation!
Quick Facts
Basic Robot Description
- Length: 27.5"
- Width: 37.5"
- Height: 54.5"
- Weight 118 lbs
Autonomous System
- Point-to point navigation using gyroscope, accelerometer and encoders
- Camera targeting of goal
- Multi-ball autonomous
Drive System
- Eight treaded direct drive wheels
- Shifting gear box for high torque and speed capability
- High Gear: 14.7 ft/sec
- Low Gear: 4.3 ft/sec
Ball Acquisition System
- Dual nylon roller system
- Self center
- Current detection and velocity control
Shooting Mechanism
- Controllable velocity and exit angle
- 350 degree rotation on closed position loop turret
Innovative Design
- Gyro and camera control target tracking
- Infrared ball detection