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Team 399 - Eagle Robotics

Apr 2012

Team 399 - Regional Performance

Team 399 entered the 2012 season eager to perform on all fronts. Throughout the entire regional season we continued to improve our robot and our performance on the field. We were set to compete in 3 regionals this season in 3 different states.

San Diego Regional

We began our season in our home state of California in sunny San Diego. Throughout the qualification matches we were having some issues with our robot including finding our “sweet spot” for shooting the basketballs. At the end of the qualification rounds we ended up ranked 10th and picked by 1138 - Eagle Engineering. We were extremely happy to invite our sister school Antelope Valley High School team 2339 to also join our alliance. Our alliance worked extremely well together and we made it all the way to the finals where we lost to 3476 Code Orange and their excellent alliance. We had an unfortunate loss of camera feed, which severely hindered us in the finals, but we kept our heads high and we were glad to lose to such a great alliance.

Record: 9-6-1
Awards: Quality Award sponsored by Motorola, Regional Finalist

Utah Regional

As we moved to our next regional in Utah, we were committed to perfecting our game as a high scoring team. We finished the qualification matches as the #1 seed and invited 2122 - Team Tators and 3006 - Red Rock Robotics to our alliance. We knew that we would be facing some tough defense moving on to the eliminations, but we were quite frankly overwhelmed by it. Although we tried to adjust our strategy, we ended losing by 1 point in the quarter finals to the eventual champions of that regional. Although we were saddened by the loss, we were glad to see this alliance win as we worked well together throughout the regionals. Our hats are off to that alliance, 2403, 3245, and 3230!

Record: 11-3-0
Awards: Quality Award sponsored by Motorola, Website Award

Colorado Regional

With all hopes in reaching the championship placed on the line in our final regional, we were ready to give it our all on all fronts. We made some improvements to our autonomous mode and attempted to develop our mid range game. We knew that after our finals performance the previous regional, we really had to step up our game. We ended the qualification matches seeded #2 and were happy to join with team 2996 - Cougars Gone Wired and 3807 - Blazerbots. Our team had chosen team 2996 back in 2009 when they were a rookie team and now it seems that they returned the favor. We are happy to say that we obtained the same results we obtained back in 2009 with a regional win!

Record: 15-3-0
Awards: Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi, FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award, Regional Winners

Our team continues to prepare at this very moment for Championships in St. Louis in April and RoboProm! We have had a great season so far and look forward to meeting up with all our friends at the Championships. Good luck everyone!